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Question: How did Alexander the Great die!?
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How did Alexander the Great die!?
After a lifetime of conquest, Alexander the Great was himself conquered by illness on June 10, 323 BC!.
Now, millennia later, a team of medical experts suggest that Alexander did not die of poisoning or alcohol intoxication, as previously thought, but succumbed to typhoid fever, complicated by bowel perforation and ascending paralysis!.

Researchers led by Dr!. David Oldach at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, believe that this paralysis may explain why Alexander's body appeared resistant to putrefaction -- the paralysis "may have given the impression of death before it actually occurred!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

From my limited knowledge on the subject I would have to agree whole heartily with Elizabeth above, her fact fit that which I have understood on the subject!. Murder is out of the question in my mind, as even though his Indian campaign was very unpopular with some those Greeks that had problems simple returned home and the vast majority of the Persians (from historical accounts) view him more as a liberator than a conquer!
Than was no other man like him until the Great Saladin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some think he was murdered, others think he died from some disease characterised by a fever!.

He was a binge drinker, he had lots of enemies and he travelled through diverse regions with many exotic and foriegn diseases!. His body was also weakened by long marches and many serious wounds!.

I also saw a very good documentary that suggested he was being treated for a disease and he ordered his doctor to speed up the treatment!. He was getting much larger doses of medicine than usual to fight off the disease faster and fatally OD'd on the medicine!. It was very plausible, so I'll go with that-death by OD caused by his own orders to his doctor to up his meds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Might as well give the 10 points to petey00Www@QuestionHome@Com