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Position:Home>History> Questions about the history of nuclear energy / atomic bomb?

Question: Questions about the history of nuclear energy / atomic bomb!?
I have some questions I can't find from other resources:

1) What do the prefixes mega and kilo mean!?

2) What was Einstein's rationale for urging President Roosevelt to start a program to develop nuclear weapons!?

3) What was the name of the Atoll where most of the Pacific nuclear weapon testing took place!?

4) What impact did the acquisition of Nuclear weapons technology by the Soviet Union have on the American testing program!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Mega is 10 to the 6th power = 1!.000,000
Kilo is 10 to the 3rd power = 1!.000

2!. It was the start of the nuclear arms race!. Russia and The
US wanted to be the first to control the hemisphere in the
event of war and it developed the true allies of each

3!. Enewetak atoll in The Marshall Islands on November 1st,
1952!. This was the 1st hydrogen bomb testing site!. The
Russians went 'all in' with "Tsar Bomba" on October 30th,
1961 at Novaya Zemlya at 50 mega tons!

4!. Who had the bigger balls was all it did until it finally led to
The Nuclear Arms Treaty by the UN after Khrushchev vs
Kennedy Bay Of Pigs invasion during a cold war era nearly
started all out nuclear war in 1961!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Mega means a million, kilo means a thousand!.

2!. I'm not sure, but it could either have to do with the fact the Germans were already doing the same thing or the fact that he thought it was the path of the future!.

3!. Bikini Atoll

4!. It accelerated it!. We had someone competing with us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com