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Question: History question help!?!?!?

1!.Are there other ways that the issue of slavery would have been resolved at the Philadelphia convention in 1787!?

2!.What experiences of the framers might have influenced their decision on how much power they should give the national government!?

3!.Why do you think the framers devoted so much of the Constitution to the legislative branch!?

4!.What do you think the purpose of the limitations listed in Article I, section 9 is!?

5!.How was the Framer’s view of the executive branch affected by their knowledge of history and their own experience!?

6!.According to the Constitution, what is the supreme law of the land!? Whose responsibility is it to enforce, or carry out, the laws of the land!?

7!.Why did the Framers make the executive branch share some of its powers with Congress!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Yes!. It was resolved with the Three-Fifths compromise, which meansevery five slaves were counted as three free men!. The only other choices were to count them equal to free men or to totally exclude them!.

2!. The framers based everything on English political tradition, such as the English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta!.

3!. Because the government was created to help protect people and their rights!.

4!. So that no branch of the government becomes too powerful!.

5!. They were treated wrongly before by the King's men, again, everything is based on English Political traditions and they way the colonists were treated by the British!.

6!. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land!. Clause VI (6) is the supremacy clause!. It is the responsibility of the executive branch!.

7!. For checks and balances, so that the powers are concurrent and the branches cannot become more powerful than the other!.

I hope I was able to help! I was vague on some of the answers because I want you to do some work, too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. No – Any attempt to end or limit slavery would have caused the convention to lose support of southern states and fail!.

2!. Centralized governments in Europe wielded too much power, becoming tyrannical!.

3!. The rules for making laws needed to be carefully spelled out to avoid interfering with the lawmaking power of the individual states!.

4!. To prohibit abusive laws and protect certain states rights!.

5!. The dictatorial behavior of kings and emperors showed the importance of limiting the power of the nation’s chief executive!.

6!. The Constitution itself is the supreme law of the land and it is the duty of the president to enforce it!.

7!. Checks and balances, to ensure that one branch does not assume too much power over the others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com