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Position:Home>History> Was Eva Braun really in love with Hitler?

Question: Was Eva Braun really in love with Hitler!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, almost obsessively!.
she repeatedly refused to be evacuated from berlin when the russians were approaching, instead she willingly chose to kill herself by cyanide poisoning rather than leace hitlers side!.
she also married him in the furherbunker as the russians approached, so she died eva hitiler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

According to information it was love at first sight!.!.!.!.

"Fresh out of the convent school Eva Braun, at 17, met Adolf Hitler the first time when she was working in Munich in 1929 as the assistant of Hitler's personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann!. From the moment Hitler walked into the shop, she was in love!."


"Still, Eva was very much in love with Hitler, whom she playfully referred to as "Wulf," and after he had survived a near death experience in 1944, she wrote him a love letter stating that "'from our first meeting I swore to follow you anywhere - even unto death - I live only for your love'""
