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Question: U!.S budding in to WW I & II!?
Why did the U!.S get involved in both wars!? None of them started with U!.S!. How were they affected for getting involved and what was the result for the home front!? Do you think the U!.S was being nosy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's "butting" not budding!. That's what a rosebush does in the Spring!.
I wouldn't call defending ourselves after a sneak attack resulting in thousands of deaths "Butting In!."

After the horrors of WWI - which many said we should have stayed out of because it was "Over There," there was a strong sense of Isolationism in the U!.S!. However, the First War did effect our allies, particularly France and Great Britain which were being pummeled unmercifully by the Germans!. The War had reached a stalemate and the military on BOTH sides were absolutely exhausted and running out of men!. We had been asked repeatedly to come in and finish things up - and we finally did!. Many based this on the unprovoked sinking of the Lusitania which was an American passenger liner!. The U!.S!. suffered many casualties at sea at the hands of the Germans but still tried to stay out!.
When we finally came in - we took our share of pummeling, but the upshot was we provided fresh men and materiel which both aided in bringing the War to a quick end!.
The really rotten thing about WWI was the Treaty of Versailles which we refused to sign!. The French demanded reparations from the Germans which, in addition to the Worldwide Depression, made life in Germany a living hell!.
So - here comes Hitler to save the day!. In the Germans' mind he did!.
Still, we stayed out of the action for as long as we could as the horrors of the First War were still fresh in our minds!. We DID provide tons of food and materiel to the Allies ('cause we sure didn't like Hitler) and many Americans volunteered to fight for the English and the French!. They hopped over to Canada and joined up from there!. They actually were committing treason, but no one went after them for it!.
It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that we were forced into the War!. You can't expect any Country to just "take" an attack on our soil which killed thousands of servicemen and civilians to sit back and take it!.
The Japs attacked on December 7th, 1941!. We declared War against Japan on December 8th!. (They neglected to tell us in time that they were going to attack us!. LONG story!.) Thereafter, Germany and Italy declared War on US as they were aligned with the Japanese!.
There's your short version!. We didn't want either of those Wars!. We may have been able to stay out of the First War - but the French and English were losing and the Germans were NOT nice people!. We HAD to step in to protect the World from dictatorial fascists!.
The Second War was much more cut and dried!. THEY attacked us!. And that doesn't count the thousands of Merchant seamen and tons and tons of ships and supplies they sunk and/or killed prior to Pearl!.
Again, out Isolationist policy kept us out of what was a European War until we could no longer, in good conscience, ignore it!. The unprovoked bombing of Pearl Harbor was the match that lit the fuse, The Japanese knew it!. (The smart ones, anyway!.) They "awakened a sleeping giant!." The day they attacked us was the beginning of the end of the War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the case of WW II, the US government clearly saw that Germany and Japan were about to become invincible and then sooner or later the US would get into trouble!. But in WW I, the USA and many US enterprises had lend awful lots of money to Britain and France and enterprises there!. So America needed a western victory to get its money back!. Lusitania, Zimmermann and so on were only pretexts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of things led up to our involvement in WWI!. One of the big ones was the sinking of the Lucitania!.

WWII - Pearl Harbor got us into the war with Japan!. Once we declared war on Japan, Germany (following a treaty with Japan) declared war on the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com