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Position:Home>History> What was the most important 200 years of ancient roman history?

Question: What was the most important 200 years of ancient roman history!?
As the question says, in your opinion, what were the most important 200 years of history and why between 753 BC to 1453 AD!?

also, how long does Ancient Rome's history last!? I've seen several different end dates and I don't know which one is accurate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
100 BC to AD 100
Republic to empire!. Sees the crumbling of republican institutions, the rise of people like Pompey, Caesar, Augustus, and the establishment of sole rule of the empreors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Calendar era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several epochs were in use by Roman historians!. Modern historians usually adopt the epoch of Varro, which we place in 753 BC!. !.!.!.

I think, the crucial point in Roman history was the Second Punic War!. After that the Romans were unstoppable!.
Ancient times are usually thought to end around 500 / 600 AD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com