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Question: Colonial Boston!?
Ok well Im really bored and we just learned all this in school so i thought i'd ask you your opinions!.

Who do oyu believe is at fault for the Boston Massacre-why!?

True or False:Midnight Ride of paul revere poem incorrect in some forms!?

Have you been to paul reveres house!?Describe hte expierence(going tomorrow so just wondering!.!.)

Would you be a loyalist or patriot!?And Why

Kings name at time!?

and any other details(optional)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. The people's fault!. They attacked the soldiers first!. In defense these trained men fired!. It was a reaction to fear not an act of anger or surperiority!. (P!.S!. That's why John Adams defended the soldiers at their trial because he knew it wasn't their fault)

2!. Yes the poem is wrong!. The main man that night was William Dawes!. Revere only made it half way and was captured around mid-night!. There were three men altogether but i forgot the other fellows name!. (Shows how important he was eh!? :) ) Feel a little bad for Dawes!. He did all the work and Revere got all the glory!. Way to know your history Longfellow!.

3!. Never been!. I'd like to though

4!. Patriot for sure!. I have a temper and I don't like people taking my rights away or telling me I'm not important!. Plus I probably wouldn't have been in a wealthy family but in the middle class!. Most of the Tori's were part of the up to do families!.

5!. King George III (right!? I'm almost positive!. But he could be the one from the war of 1812)

6!. Did you know the British could have won at any moment but one of their generals was against the war, one was constantly drunk and the other was too cautious!. Sad ain't it!? :)

7!. also, the americans did not originally want war!. They tried several times to reason with the king from 1761 to 1775!. The olive branch petition was their last attempt!. The king returned it unsigned (fool)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bostonian mob was certainly at fault for the Boston massacre!. Adams defended the British soldiers, and they were acquitted!.

The poem is incorrect in a number of details!. After all, it was Prescott rather than Revere who actually made it through to warn the militia at Lexington and Concord!.

Never been to Revere's house!. I'd like to, though!.

I would have been a patriot, although there are good arguments for both sides!. I would have been outraged by the stamp act taxes, by the dissolusion of colonial assemblies and by having to pay for British troops to be quartered in my colony!. Many of my family actually did fight in the revolution!. Some were captured in the failed Canadian expedition, others became privateers, and one was killed at Brandywine!.

King George IIIWww@QuestionHome@Com