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Position:Home>History> When was Lincoln shot?

Question: When was Lincoln shot!?
I know he was shot in April of 1865, but what it the 14th or 16th!? I can never remember that!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865!.
Lincoln died the following day, April 15, 1865!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

April 14, 1865!.
"On April 14 Lincoln spends the day granting requests for pardons and meeting with his cabinet over the question of reconciliation!. Later that evening he is scheduled to go to Ford's Theater to see the play Our American Cousin!. Lincoln knows this appearance is a critical public relations event; Booth knows this will be the night he fulfills his multi-murder conspiracy!.

Booth spends the day preparing for his "act of war!." Easily sneaking into Lincoln's box seat, Booth carves out a hole to provide a direct line of fire at Lincoln!. Obsessed with his role as the assassin, Booth further prepares in his hotel room with a repeated chorus of "Sic semper tyrannis!." Later that evening while meeting with his co-conspirators to go over last minute details, Booth tells them he has written a letter to the newspaper exposing their plot and naming all of them as responsible!.

As the president and guests leave for Ford's Theater, the conspirators move into place!. At exactly 10:15 p!.m!. they strike: Lewis Paine forces his way into Secretary of State Seward's home, stabbing both Seward and his son!. George Atzerodt follows Vice President Andrew Johnson to his hotel room with the intent to shoot him; however, Atzerodt cannot bring himself to murder and abandons the plan!. Booth enters Lincoln's unguarded theater box, fires at Lincoln and leaps to the stage, yelling "Sic semper tyrannis!." As panic ensues, Booth escapes out the back of the theater!. The wound is fatal and Lincoln dies on April 15 at 7:22 a!.m!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

February 12, 1809–April 15, 1865Www@QuestionHome@Com