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Position:Home>History> Shld Jewish holocaust victims get compensation for money and property lost as re

Question: Shld Jewish holocaust victims get compensation for money and property lost as result of Nazi tyranny!?
And by whom!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a matter of fact, there are many lawsuits, past and present, dealing with this issue!.

See here;

Yes, by those that could prove it!. However, this is where the big arguement is!. Most of the records have been long destroyed!. And because of that, no single persons shuld get the monies!. Plus who should pay!? The monies that were taken were also long spent and putting new monies out to the public to correct the atrocities of men that were as old as my great-grandfather ( I'm 33 ) Could reach levels of spending that could cause problems with the economy!.

I think it sound like a good idea, but the practicalities of it would make it more of a problem than it could be worth!.

Edit, As a side note, what about the other holocaust victims, Although many were jews, what about the poles, russians, even americans (to a very very small extent)!. Do we, can we pay them as well!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

50 years ago, maybe!. Now, no!. Most of the perpetrators and victims are now dead and it would do nothing but create resentment where there isn't any now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as they stole palestinian territory to establish the zionist state,there is really no point in giving them further compensation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com