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Question: Help s!.s!. !.africa!?
A Zimbabwean man during this time of European imperialism said the following:

"When you [Europeans] came, you had the Bible and we [Africans] had the land!.
Now, we have the Bible and you have the land

what do you think he means and describe what he implies about the impact of missionaries on Africa!.

thanks a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One thing to remember is apartheid!.
While the Africans may not have been rich, it was their land!.
And that through missionaries and others who followed, control of the land was taken from them!. And it was they that had the faith of those who came!.
In a sense, they reversed roles!. When the missionaries came, they were dependent upon the generosity of the Africans!. After control of the land had been taken, the Africans had to be thankful for what they recieved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What!? I thought that was said by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a South African man!.

Anywho, this--abridged!?--quote means that the white people came to Africa all crazy about God and enforcing what white priests said was God's will, and the Africans ruled over themselves!. But later, anything vaguely similar to morality left the white invaders and Africans became the devout Christians!.

White people dwelling in Africa became, as a whole, greed-driven savages!. It was a sad time!. The situation today is a bit better, but not by very much!. As old problems die out, they are quickly replaced by new problems!. v_vWww@QuestionHome@Com