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Position:Home>History> How did JFK stand up to khrushchev?

Question: How did JFK stand up to khrushchev!?
I no he stood up during the cuban missile crisis but what exactly did he do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He set up a naval blockade of any ships entering and/or leaving Cuba!. Any ships coming in would be stopped & boarded for inspection!. The Russians realized if any of their ships bound for Cuba were searched, the jig was up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with the question of when did JKF react to Khrushchev's bullying aggression!. The Bay of Pigs disaster in April, 1961 confirmed K's and the Soviet view that JKF was weak and could therefore by pushed into concessions and compromises in favor of the USSR!.

The first meeting of the two was the Vienna summit, 1961, which confirmed K's view that JFK was weak, although JFK had endured the bluster and threats that the Soviets would isolate and blockade Berlin!. (Afterwards, the Berlin Wall went up)

One year later the US learned in late summer, 1962, that Soviet missile launching sites were under construction by Soviet troops in Cuba!. That threat of nuclear blackmail by the Soviets using short/intermediate range missiles in Cuba caused JFK to act, The US demand that construction stop, and set up a naval embargo to prevent Russian ships from reaching Cuba with missiles and, presumably, nuclear warheads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you "NO" kennedy stood up during the CMC!?

well you know nothing!. the cuban missile crisis was caused by kennedy being an arrogant, cowardly liar!. he and kruschev had an arms summit, and kennedy promised to remove OUR missiles from turkey that were aimed at moscow!. after the summit was over, and kennedy was back home, he said screw nikki, those missiles can stay where they are!. when kruschev realized kennedy had no intention of keeping his promise, kruschev brought some missiles to cuba, and pointed them at us!. after 13 days of the kennedy administration panicking like little girls, kennedy finally ordered the removal of our missiles from turkey!. the next day kruschev pulled his missiles from cuba!. then kennedy's friends in the news media told america how he bravely stood up to the russians!. just another lie about the wonderful kennedy family that morons still believeWww@QuestionHome@Com

He ordered the Russians to take their missiles in Cuba back home and then he ran a Naval blockade inspecting all ships going to Cuba!.Www@QuestionHome@Com