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Position:Home>History> If you were an American in 1789, what hopes and worries might you have about the

Question: If you were an American in 1789, what hopes and worries might you have about the new government!?
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I would have been worried that the new Government would have turned into just a local version of British rule!. There were already taxes being placed on a number of items and in our very new nation, we immediately had a rebellion!. called the Whiskey Rebellion!.

Washington had to have troops stop this rebellion!. This coming from a man who also made his own whiskey on his plantation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1789 people were concerned over the amount of power the federal government received under the Constitution as well as the Constitution's lack of a bill of rights (as a result the bill of rights was added to the Constitution as the first 10 amendments)!. People also were concerned with the powers given to the federal government such as the power to tax!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would be worried that the goverment is going to turn into a king type of goverment!. And that you might not have any rights!. Hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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