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Position:Home>History> Why would the French expect Americans to support their revolution?

Question: Why would the French expect Americans to support their revolution!?
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First, the French revolutionaries had been greatly influenced by the ideals of republican government that had found voice in the American Revolution!. Second, some of the leaders of the French Revolution had served on the American side during the American Revolution!. (See LaFayett)!. Idealogically, the French expected a close link with the Americans, because they believed they were fighting for the same Natural Rights of man and against the same hereditary and absolute anti-democratic kind of government!. However, it's worth noting that the US was deep in debt and had virtually no army nor any surplus of supplies which could be sent to aid the French!. In addition, the French mistook the depth of the American revolution!. Correctly, the American war should be termed a War of Independence, as it was a separation from overseas political control, rather than a social upheaval!. Americans didn't sieze the property of the aristocracy or slaughter the rich, unlike the French activities!. Some have called the American War of Independence a "Conservative" revolution, meaning that the existing social order, heavily biased toward the land owning wealthy white males, was not altered by the revolution!. To be blunt, although the Declaration of Independence had said that all men were created equal, in America, it would be a long, slow transition in that direction!. France tried to do it all at once!. Moreover, many Americans were horified by the Terror and the excesses of the French Revolution, and saw the land siezures and murders going on as exactly the sort of thing they didn't want any part of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French assisted the Americans greatly in the American Revolution!. Without their and other countries' aid, it would have been much much harder to gain victory!. The French had had a bone to pick with them British, because in the French and Indian war the British defeated em!. They decided to help the Americans!. They would only expect, with all they gave, for them to help them in their revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the French helped the americans in the american revolutionWww@QuestionHome@Com