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Question: Genocide!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
can u give me the link of a genocide in darfur or nanjing massacre!. and plz give me a sentence summary of wat it is about like who, what, where, when, why, and how!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Darfur Genocide:
WHO: the Arab Sudanese are inflicting genocide upon the African Sudanese [both groups are of the Islamic religion]
WHAT: the govt (which is dominated by ARABS) is basically hiring the Janjaweed ("warriors on horseback") to raid villages where AFRICAN Muslims live [they destroy all food storages, burn the village, and kill people when they feel like it]
WHEN - it started in 2003, it continues today
WHERE - Darfur region (it's in Western Sudan)
WHY - there are ethnic conflicts between the ARAB Muslims and AFRICAN Muslims (the Arabs trace their ancestry to Arabic people while Africans trace their ancestry to Africans)
* also an interesting fact, China is indirectly fueling the genocide by purchasing cheap oil from the Sudanese govt which happens to be orchestrating the genocide!.

Rape of Nanking
WHO: Japanese soldiers/military vs!. subjugated peoples (that includes people in the territories that Japan took over - China and Korea mainly)
WHAT: in the early stages of WWII, while Hitler was expanding in Europe, the Japense were doing the same in Asia; since they believed the surrender was the worst possible thing (even worse than death *think samurai code of honor) they treated all the subjugated people / POWs (basically anybody they conquered) VERY harshly ---> a lot of rape went on, as well as physical abuse, torture, etc!.
WHEN: 1937-1938ish!.!.!.
WHERE: China/Korea {just know that it was in ASIA}
WHY: if you've studied medieval Japanese history (samurai stuff) you know that the Japanese code of honor stated that death was a better option than surrender ] SO when a country or group of people surrendered to the Japanese, the Japanese felt they were unworthy, that they should have fought to death ] and then they use various means of torture and abuse to "punish" the conquered people

hope that helps (: good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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