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Position:Home>History> Darius III cutting the hands off Alexanders wounded?

Question: Darius III cutting the hands off Alexanders wounded!?
I am doing a project on Darius III, and i need to find which ancient source quotes that before the Battle of Issus, Darius found the wounded soldiers that Alexander had left behind and cut there hands off, showed them the size of his army then sent them to Alexander to reveal the news!. I have the sources by Arrian, Quintus Curtius Rufus and Plutarch and i've looked and looked around the pages before the Battle of Issus took place and I can't find it!. Maybe it is in a different source book!? I just need the page number i guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only other major source is Diodorus Siculus!. It's on the web, so try there!.
Later - no, my mistake, not in Diodorus but bang there in Q!. Curtius Rufus!. Book III, 8, 15!. In the Penguin trans on p!. 38!.Www@QuestionHome@Com