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Position:Home>History> What were the Nazis?

Question: What were the Nazis!?
Who and what were the Nazis!? What were their beliefs!. What they do!? How did they do it!? I want facts not websites or any thing just straight forward facts!. This all in the Holocaust!. Please and thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, that's a very broad question you're asking there!.!.!.
The Nazi's were part (I guess "part" really isn't the apropriate word to use here)- but I guess you could say they were a government lead by a very clever dictator nammed Adolf Hitler (Who coincidently was Austrian)!. Hitler was a young man raised by his mother and stepfather (whom he hated, and I can't remember if it was his mother or stepfather who was Jewish, but rest assured-one of them surely was) and he was also an aspiring artist!. I know that he joined the German military and got discharged on account of being a homosexual!.!.!.and then he decided to try to get into a Jewish art school, in which he was refused entrance!. At that time (After WWI), Germany was in bad shape- and there were a lot of political parties formed!. Hitler decided to join one of these (Which later became known as the Nazi party) and quickly became the most prestigious member due to his phenomenal public speaking abilities!. Hitler had a lingering hate for the Jewish people (who were known throughout history as being evil, greedy, and underhanded) and the fact that he was declined entrance to a Jewish art school was the fuel to his fire that was quickly starting to burn out of control!. Once the Nazi party was formed (with Hitler at the head), terrible things began to happen to the Jwes after Hitler himself was nammed high Chancellor of Germany!. He lead the German people to believe that Germany was in ruin because it was too heavily infiltrated with Jews- who were very weathy and held many powerful positions!. The answer to Germany's problems then, was to get rid of the Jews and replace them with the Aryan Christians!. Hitler had is regiment register every Jew in Germany (It was the "Law" at that time) and after that, he sent them all to ghettos, where they were living in such crowded and horrible conditions it wasn't heard of for them to die of some random disease or freeze to death durring the night!. Starvation was another major cause of death!. Eventually, all the Jews were sent to concentration camps- where they were worked to death, beat, starved, ill and diseased!.!.!.Their heads were shaved, their gold teeth were pulled out to help fund the war and supply the powerful people with enormous wealth!.!.!.even children were sent to these camps!.!.!.and hardly any survived!. The German scientists would use the Jews in terrifying experiments: Cutting off a right arm from each one of a set of newborn Jewish twins and switching limbs is just one of many!. There has been a documented case of a German scientist submersing Jewish twins in boiling water and then cutting their skin off and comparing samples of DNA to try and conduct a cloning experiment!. It was totally inhumane and monstrous!. The German population, however, had no idea what was happening to the Jews- they just knew they were gone and that life seemed to be going better like Hitler had promised them it would!. Hitler was, by all apperances an upstanding citizen who loved his family and loved children!.!.!.he truly DID love the Aryan race!.!.!.and the people took everything at face value- they were happier now!. The Jews, however were exterminated and thrown into mass graves, tortured, starved and worked to death, beaten, torn away from their families and left to suffer and die- even the children!. There has not been (I don't think, anyway) a documented case of Hitler ever killing anyone- he had his henchmen live with those sins on their contience!.!.!.he was a speed addict and eventually became so addicted he was being given a few injections every day!. He eventually developed Parkinson's disease and by the end of war the illness was depleting his mind- and instead of listening to his General Commander Rommel (Rommel was a military General, and very brilliant) he went against his advice at Leningrad in Russia which was the beginning of the end for the Germans in WWII!. Hitler's madness had spread all throughout Europe, and more than 6 million Jewish men, women, and children were massacred!. When the war was declared over him and Eva Braun (his thought-to-be girlfriend of many years) comitted suicide by taking scienide capsuls!.!.!.as did many of the Nazi high-rollers!. The Germans obviously lost the war, and they knew they would be put to death for their horrendus crimes!. Hitler, his henchmen, and the Nazi's are all such broad topics- as we know much about the terror of what they were and what they have done!. If you're interested in the subject you can find all kinds of history channel specials on the subject that are very interesting!. It's deffinately worth the hour and a half!.!.!.but be prepared for some horrific images (as they show live footage on occasion)!. I hope I could help- and just as an interesting fact I'd like to point out that many of the Germans today know almost nothing about the holocaust, as they do not teach their students about it in school!. It's been long said that those who never learn their history are bound to repeat it!. It's a scary thought!.!.!.but I hope you've discovered what it is that you were wanting/needing to know :)

*edit* one more thing!.!.!.Hitler and the Nazi's were backed by the pope and the Catholic church!.!.!.I still think that's unbelievable!.!.!.but it makes you think!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The upper echelon of the nazis were German industrialists, from the steel, energy and armaments sectors!. Despite the name National Socialist, they weren't socialist as we recognize the word today!. In fact they hated socialism, and after taking power, killed and imprisoned communists and socialists!.

They came into power because germany had gone through a failed war effort in 1917, and the Weimar republic (pre-hitler germany) had been bankrupted by it!. The people faced devastating inflation and joblessness during the grat depression and grasped at Hitler and his people as a remedy to it!.

Hitler is made out to be the mastermind, but he was really a kind of front man, chosen by Goebbels and Goerring because he had a energizing speaking style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were the men who were under the rule of Hitler during the WWII!. This is what started the war!. they would kill all the jews living in Europe at the time!. they would kill them and then burn them and if they didnt kill them they would send them to Concentraton camps which were sometimes worse that death!. This is the Truth!. Only Facts!. I got it out of my 12 th grade history book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.you can find a summary in the first paragraph on this page:

people that hate the jews and belive that all people that are freinds with the Jews and are Jews should be killed!.Well if you read number the stars it will tell you more about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you don't know this than you shouldn't be in school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ask HitlerWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are no short answers to the questions you've asked!.
You're after information that covers well over a decade in time, not just during World War Two, and cost millions and millions of lives!.
The Holocaust is not just an annoying homework assignment it's fact and should be treated and referred to respectfully!.

Nazi Ideological Theory

According to Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler developed his political theories after carefully observing the policies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!. He was born as a citizen of the Empire, and believed that ethnic and linguistic diversity had weakened it!. Further, he saw democracy as a destabilizing force, because it placed power in the hands of ethnic minorities, who he claimed had incentives to further "weaken and destabilize" the Empire!.

The Nazi rationale was heavily invested in the militarist belief that great nations grow from military power, which in turn grows "naturally" from "rational, civilized cultures!." Hitler's calls appealed to disgruntled German Nationalists, eager to save face for the failure of World War I, and to salvage the militaristic nationalist mindset of that previous era!. After Austria and Germany's defeat of World War I, many Germans still had heartfelt ties to the goal of creating a greater Germany, and thought that the use of military force to achieve it was necessary!.

Many placed the blame for Germany's misfortunes on those whom they perceived, in one way or another, to have sabotaged the goal of national victory!. Jews and communists became the ideal scapegoats for Germans deeply invested in a German Nationalist ideology!.

Hitler's Nazi theory also claimed that the Aryan race is a master race, superior to all other races, that a nation is the highest creation of a race, and great nations (literally large nations) were the creation of great races!. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from races with "natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits!." The weakest nations, Hitler said were those of impure or mongrel races, because they have divided, quarrelling, and therefore weak cultures!. Worst of all were seen to be the parasitic Untermensch (Subhumans), mainly Jews, but also Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled and so called anti-socials, all of whom were considered lebensunwertes Leben (Lifeunworthy Life) due to their perceived deficiency and inferiority!. The role of homosexuals during the Holocaust are controversial among historians!. Some, like the International Committee for Holocaust Truth and authors Scott Lively and Kevin E!. Abrams in "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party", defend the perspective that many homosexuals were involved in the inner circle of the Nazi party: Ernst R?hm of the SA, Horst Wessel, Max Bielas, and others!. This perspective is denounced as hateful propaganda by most homosexual associations and groups, stirring heated debates and accusations of censorship and "hate-speech" from both sides!.

People of the Eastern European Russian-dominated Slavic descent were also seen as subhuman, but only marginally parasitic, because they had their own land and nations, though many of them lived in German countries such as Austria, which Hitler saw as an ethnic invasion of Germanic Lebensraum by foreign populations who would have incentive to force Austria's loyalty to their lands of ethnic and cultural origin!.

According to Nazism, it is an obvious mistake to permit or encourage multilingualism and multiculturalism within a nation!. Fundamental to the Nazi goal was the unification of all German-speaking peoples, "unjustly" divided into different Nation States!. Hitler claimed that nations that could not defend their territory did not deserve it!. Slave races, he thought of as less-worthy to exist than "master races!." In particular, if a master race should require room to live (Lebensraum), he thought such a race should have the right to displace the inferior indigenous races!. Hitler draws parallels between Lebensraum and the American ethnic cleansing and relocation policies towards the Native Americans, which he saw as key to the success of the US!.

"Races without homelands," Hitler claimed, were "parasitic races," and the richer the members of a "parasitic race" are, the more "virulent" the parasitism was thought to be!. A "master race" could therefore, according to the Nazi doctrine, easily strengthen itself by eliminating "parasitic races" from its homeland!. This was the given rationalization for the Nazi's later oppression and elimination of Jews and Gypsies!. Despite the popularity of Hitler and his living space doctrine, some Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS soldiers found the duty repugnant!. Only a small fraction of them were actively involved in genocide!.

Hitler extended his rationalizations into religious doctrine, claiming that those who agreed with and taught his "truths," were "true" or "master" religions, because they would "create mastery" by avoiding comforting lies!. Those that preach love and tolerance, "in contravention to the facts," were said to be "slave" or "false" religions!. The man who recognizes these "truths," Hitler continued, was said to be a "natural leader," and those who deny it were said to be "natural slaves!." "Slaves," especially intelligent ones, he claimed were always attempting to hinder masters by promoting false religious and political doctrines!.

The ideological roots which became German "National Socialism" were based on numerous sources in European history, drawing especially from Romantic 19th Century idealism, and from a biological misreading of Friedrich Nietzsche's thoughts on "breeding upwards" toward the goal of an übermensch (Superhuman)!. Hitler was an avid reader and received ideas that were later to influence Nazism from traceable publications, such as those of the Germanenorden (Germanic Order) or the Thule society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com