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Position:Home>History> The Chinese novel _____ is considered by many to be the first realistic social n

Question: The Chinese novel _____ is considered by many to be the first realistic social novel!?
The Chinese novel _____ is considered by many to be the first realistic social novel!.

a!.The Dream of the Red Cucumber

b!.The Tale of Genji

c!.The Golden Lotus

d!.Raise the Red Lantern

Perhaps the most famous of all the arts of the Ming Era was !?

a!.the crossword puzzles of the period, which were popular even in Europe!.

b!.blue-and-white porcelain, which Europeans collected in great quantities!.

c!.the construction of large, elaborate palaces, the finest
example of which is the Imperial City in Beijing!.

d!.high-quality berber rugs, which are still popular today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. c
2!. aWww@QuestionHome@Com

According to a website I found from the City University of NY, Brooklyn College, the first realistic social novel is "Gold Vase Plum!." So, I don't know what to tell you about that first one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that whoever devised these questions is confused about number 1!. "The Tale of Genji" is generally considered to be the first novel, but it is Japanese!. Of the other titles listed, "Raise the Red Lantern" is a modern Chinese film, "The Golden Lotus" is a modern novel about foot-binding, and "The Dream of the Red Cucumber" is a nonsense title, although there is an 18th Century Chinese social novel by the name of "The Dream of the Red Chamber!." So, either the answer is "a" and the question is just written incorrectly, of the answer is "b" and the question is referring to the wrong country!.

At any rate, the answer to number 2 is "b!."

ADDENDUM: After doing some more research, I have discovered that the first responder to your question is partially right!. There was a Chinese novel written around 1600 that was notorious for it's graphic depictions of sexuality!. One English translation of the title is "The Plum in the Golden Vase," which is probably where the first responder is coming from!. However, another possible English title is "The Golden Lotus," which means that the correct answer to number 1 is "c!." I realize that this is a lot more information than you probably wanted, but the first question is confusingly constructed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com