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Position:Home>History> How did war and economic depresions lead to the rise of Fascism?

Question: How did war and economic depresions lead to the rise of Fascism!?
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Oh well, that is something questionable!. If you mean why did Benito Mussolini took control over Italy, it was because of populism plus fascism!.

You take advantage of the general feeling from the population, they feel betrayed by the rest of the world!. Italy was supportive of France and UK during world war I!. However as they didn't received the share they were expecting they felt that they were tricked!. Mussolini took over Italy with a small group of people!. It does not mean that every single Italian was a Fascist!. And as he is in the presidency you can get rid of anyone that is in your way!.

The same happened in Germany, except that people did feel way more uncomfortable because they were in poverty due to loosing the first war!. There was more people who followed Hitler, but when he lost the elections, he started to make it look as a fraud, and that he should have been elected!. Many people felt for this and started to follow him!. And as he took the Reich, if you got in his way he was gonna kill you!.

Basically, you can make people follow you if you know how to persuade them!. That is how most Americans voted for bush for his second term!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fascism was the answer at the time!. People were deperate for change, and would have chosen almost anything just to get out of the economic depression!. It did help them out of the depression, more jobs, money, and good moral!. War with Fascism helped create jobs and restore the economy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com