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Position:Home>History> What are the approximate years of Ancient Rome's rise and fall?

Question: What are the approximate years of Ancient Rome's rise and fall!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was founded in approximately 753 BC by the twin descendants of the Trojan prince!. The fall of Ancient Rome started in about AD 190!. It was attacked by goths and vandals!. After many leaders and wars, in AD 476, the last Roman emperor in the west, Romulus Augustulus, was removed from power by Odovaca!. Thats the date usually used by historians as the year the Roman Empire ended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As others pointed out ancient Rome lasted from around the 700s BC to the 400s AD!. This is the traditional Rome as centered in Italy!.

But just to add another view:

The Roman Empire split into East and West halves!. The western half fell in 476 AD, but the eastern half lived on for a thousand years!. Technically this was still the Roman Empire, since there was a constant line of successive emperors through these times, though it often goes by the name Byzantine Empire (it was governed in the city of Constantinople, once called Byzantium)!.

The Byzantine Empire was different from traditional Rome in a number of ways!. It was predominantly Greek-speaking, not Latin, since it occupied mostly historically-Greek territories!. It also did not contain the city of Rome except for a brief time!.

Was the Byzantine Empire really part of the greater Roman Empire!? Or was it more of a successor!? It's kind of a matter of perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

from 700 bc until 300 ad an empire that lasted a thousand years - about 300 years after christs birth the empire was in decline withdrawing troops from the frontiers back to rome - abandoning garrisonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 753 BCE!.

The traditional date for the end of the Roman Empire is 476 CE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com