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Position:Home>History> Gimme 5 good facts about the arms race between the US and the Soviet Union! (:?

Question: Gimme 5 good facts about the arms race between the US and the Soviet Union! (:!?
I need five facts about the Cold War and what happened and junk!.
I'm trying to keep this simple, you dig!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The nuclear arms race was central to the Cold War!. USA produced a bomber - the B52 - that could fly 6,000 miles and deliver a nuclear pay-load!. At the end of the 1950’s, American Intelligence estimated that in a Russian missile attack, 20 million Americans would die and 22 million would be injured!.

By 1981, USA had 8,000 ICBM’s and USSR 7,000 ICBM’s

By 1981, USA had 4,000 planes capable of delivering a nuclear bomb!. Russia had 5000!.

USA defence spending for 1981 = 178 billion dollars!. By 1986, it was 367 billion dollars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The United States and the Soviet Union passed the Mutually Assured Destruction Treaty that tried to limit the number of nuclear weapons that both sides could produce, it basically said that if one side ever attacked the other, that side would destroy them completely and vice versa, so it meant if you kill me, before I die I will bring you down with me!. I am a junior in high school right now and we just finished the Cold War actually!. also there were enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world 8x over, and in 1992 I think the arms race ended when the Soviet Union fell, hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heres a great quote!. Wikipedia for Facts but this is classic!. If its a paper your doing!. Add it!.

"My fellow Americans!. I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union!. We begin bombing in five minutes!." -Ronald Reagan (Said during a radio show which he thought was testing but was on the air so it went out to the world lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to mention the US policy of containment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DO your own homework, kid!. You dig!?Www@QuestionHome@Com