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Position:Home>History> Can anyone please help me with these 2 wolrd history questions.?

Question: Can anyone please help me with these 2 wolrd history questions!.!?
During the reign of Qianlong,!?

a!.the Qing dynasty showed the first signs of internal decay!.

b!.China experienced widespread economic growth due to more trade with Mongolia!.

c!.the efforts of Christian missionaries reached their height!.

d!.Manchu invaders captured the city of Singapore!.

The Japanese warrior class consisted of all of the following EXCEPT!?


b!.peasant farmers!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Second question is B!.

The warrior class was composed of samurai mostly!. They had their lords - daimyo!. If a samurai lost his lord, he became a ronin!. And shogun had the whole coutry in his hands!.
Peasant farmers were forbidden to have weapons - that's how/why some martial arts came into existence - I think this includes Karate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not totally sure about the first question but i think it is b and for the second its cWww@QuestionHome@Com