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Position:Home>History> Why noone referes to polish people in the ww2???

Question: Why noone referes to polish people in the ww2!?!?!?
everyone is talking about halaucast but only about jews!.
there died 2 million non-jew Poles and noone is even mention it!?!?why is all about Jews!?!?is there a way to be victimized to the rest world!?!?!?

for those who will wonder,i am of course against holocaust,but i am also against those who are trying to commercialize their pain for gathering the pittyness!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

so man millions died there,poles,romas,gays!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Is a young adult fiction book about a boy escaping from Warwsaw!.
In England there are various Polish war memorials,!.

Organized Polish resistance ended on October 6, 1939!. Some 100,000 Polish soldiers would escape to form the Free Polish Brigade in England, where they would fight in the air during the Battle of Britain and on land after the Normandy invasion!.

That is why they aren't forgotten over here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Polish army tried to attack the Germans on horseback, Can you see a guy riding a horse competing with a person in a tank!? Basically Germany walked all over Poland like they did with other countries and since I believe that the Polish people overall were also ant-Semitic before Hitler so it wasn;t that much of a problem!. Of course they suffered under the yoke of Nazism, everyone they beat up on did, And I also think there were brave saboteurs that helped undermine the Nazi's work, Just check out the libraryWww@QuestionHome@Com

anyone who has even a vague idea of history recognises the suffering endured by the polish nation during wwii!. they fought as hard as any other nation, and millions died!.
its not just poles that can be ignored in discussions of wwii, russia lost more than 20million people!.

i think the horror of the holocaust is that it was the deliberate and systematic destruction of a race on an unprecedented scale!. that is why it is remembered as it is!. and quite rightly in my book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a book!.Escape From Warsaw!.It's about a Polish family in world war to so they are mentioned but I understand what your sayingWww@QuestionHome@Com