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Position:Home>History> This ticks me off?

Question: This ticks me off!?
How could al gore be awarded the nobel prize instead of this women!.
"Irena Sendler was born in 1910 in a small town near Warsaw and raised by her Catholic parents!. Her only downfall was that she was only able to rescue 2,500 hundred children during the Holocaust rather than the entire earth in the future!. She was a Catholic social worker who went to Warsaw to rescue Jewish kids from death!. She surreptitiously transported the Jewish children past the Nazis with a network of schemes and tunnels and provided them with false documents and procured Polish families to adopt them!. She made a list of the Jewish children’s names and hid them in buried jars so someday she could give them their true identities!. She was captured by the Nazis in 1943 and tortured and sentenced to death by firing squad!. She never gave up her contacts and lists!. She was eventually freed after a guard was bribed!." she died yesterday but why'd gore get the prize instead of her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tanx fer yer kwestion & tanx fer boycottin sports!.!.!.
Ya gotta know dat derz no justice in dis life n only inda aftalife! Bein ticked off iz aboud da mos justice we gonna git rite now!.!.!.
Best wishes, k-den, M1Www@QuestionHome@Com

The criteria for the Peace Prize is connected with activities during the past year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com