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Position:Home>History> <b>Which statement about the U.S. annexation of Hawaii is true? Please HEL

Question: <b>Which statement about the U!.S!. annexation of Hawaii is true!? Please HEL!?
A!. It became a state shortly after it was annexed!.
B!. It was annexed after a successful popular vote in Hawaii!.
C!. The United States went to war with European powers to obtain the islands!.
D!. It was universally popular in the United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
B, but that too is a lie!.
The US provided military backing to a coup, in which the white immigrants to the islands overthrew the rightful Queen!. The "vote" was not one of the native peoples, it was rigged for the white folks who wanted to take over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Annexed in 1898 it did not become a state until 1959
It was annexed by Joint Resolution in both Houses of Congress!. Popular vote!.
No war was enacted to obtain Hawaii
Popularity had no bearing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
