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Question: Aphrodite Question!?
Can people please tell me why she was so respected, valued and believed in so much by the ancient greeks!?

Web sources would be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Aphrodite was a popular goddess because love is a popular subject with most people!. She was associated with marriage, generation, and birth, which were matters of great concern to people in ancient times, especially women, since childbirth was a much riskier business in those days than it is now, with a very high mortality rate among mothers and babies!. and of course she was associated with sexual love, which is of absorbing interest to many people, then as now!.

she is not always written about with respect in Greek literature, for instance the story of her adultery with the god Ares shows her being captured in a net with Ares by her husband Hephaestus, and exposed to the ridicule of the other gods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For other uses, see Aphrodite (disambiguation)!.
Aphrodite (Greek: ?φροδ?τη; Latin: Venus) (pronounced /??fr??da?ti/; Ancient Greek: IPA: [ap??o?di?t??], Modern Greek: [af?o?eiti]) is the classical Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty!. She was also called Kypris and Cytherea after the two places, Cyprus and Cythera, which claimed her birth!. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus!. Myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan are sacred to her!.

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she was the goddess of love!. check out this link: http://www!.theoi!.com/Summary/Aphrodite!.h!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try this link http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/AphroditeWww@QuestionHome@Com