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Position:Home>History> There was an Edward the 4th of England and an Edward the 6th, who was the 5th?

Question: There was an Edward the 4th of England and an Edward the 6th, who was the 5th!?
We know that Edward VI was the York king, winner of the War of the Roses!. And Edward VII was Henry VIII's feeble son!. So who was Edward V!? He not in the official list of kings and queens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward V (4 November 1470 – 1483!?) was the King of England from 9 April 1483 until his deposition two months later!. His reign was dominated by the influence of his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who succeeded him as Richard III!. Along with his younger brother Richard of Shrewsbury, Edward was one of the Princes in the Tower, who were never seen alive after being sent (ostensibly for their own safety) to the Tower of London!. Richard III has been widely blamed for their deaths, though it is not certain that he was responsible for them!.

Along with Edward VIII and Lady Jane Grey, Edward V is one of only three post-1066 English monarchs never to have been crowned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was one of the princes in the tower

Edward V!.,
king of England, eldest son of Edward IV!., and his queen Elizabeth, was born in the Sanctuary at Westminster, November 4, 1470!. He was created Prince of Wales and Earl of Ludlow and succeeded his father, April 9, 1483!. He was at the time at Ludlow, and while on his way to London, under the care of his uncle Anthony, Earl Rivers, fell into the hands of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who placed him in the Tower!. There he was joined by his brother the Duke of York!. Meanwhile Richard was named Protector and fixed the day for the coronation of Edward, which however never took place!. Richard assumed the crown on June 26 and the two young princes were seen no more!. According to the account given very minutely and confidently by Sir Thomas More, they were murdered in the Tower by order of Richard III!., who employed Sir James Tyrrel to do the foul deed, and were buried under a heap of stones at the stair-foot!. Tyrrel and his agents are said to have subsequently confessed the deed!. And the discovery, in 1674, of bones, every way answering to those of the princes, at the foot of a staircase in the White Tower gives strange confirmation to this account!. The bones were removed by order of Charles II!. to Westminster Abbey, where they now rest!. Some writers, however, doubt the truth of this story, and contend for the innocence of Richard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just as a correction Edward VI was the son of Henry VIII and Edward VII the son of queen Victoria!. Details of Edward V below:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward V was one of the boys killed by Richard (sorry I can't remember which one) so he could become King !.!.!. that is why there is no Edward V in the Kings of England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was imprisoned in the tower with his brother by order of Richard III and murdered!. He never ruled, similar to Louis XVII of FranceWww@QuestionHome@Com