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Position:Home>History> Help with my story, Need history questions answered please?

Question: Help with my story, Need history questions answered please!?
Im writing a original (I hope) story!. Its a fiction novel that uses Heroes of the past (I!.e!. King Aurthur/ Joan of Arc/ Hercules ect!.)!. So since this story is going to be very history oriented I need some historic facts!. 1) What was the first real kingdom of the world!? (I think its babylon but not sure and google is cutting it for me) 2) Any Ideas for more heroes of the world could be a great help!.

Any who the story is going to be about the first king of the world gains rule of the lost city of atlantis and holds a competition in the city in which the Heroes of the Past fight for a new life in the modern world!. So its basically a fantasy but with a little romance (you need a small love fling, it makes storie more entertaining!.!.for me that is)!. The main characters im pretty sure is going to be Robin Hood and Joan Of Arc!. All help is appreciated!.

So basically If you have any Hero recommendations please tel me who and why!.!.!.

Thanks in Advanced

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ur and Sumer are two of the earliest cities, both are in the Fertile Cresent of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq / Iran )!.

Gotta get Gil Gamesh in there! What a HERO! Dragon killing machine! Take that Tiamat!Www@QuestionHome@Com