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Position:Home>History> Western civilization is described as being Judeo-Christian what does this mean?

Question: Western civilization is described as being Judeo-Christian what does this mean!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it means that major Western values arise from the scripture of the Jews and the Christians!.

This description is not entirely accurate, as Western Civilization is also based, among othe things, on Graeco-Roman Culture--ie the art, writings, law, and so on--of Ancient Greece and Rome!. For example, most of the Western world's notion of law comes from Roman law!. Ancient Greece and Rome believed in many gods and were not Christian societies!.

However, beginning with the Gospel According to John, which was written in Greek, and with the early Christian mission to Rome, Christianity synthesized middle-eastern culture and classical culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That major portions of it (like the laws, morals, government structure) are based off of the Jewish and Christian forms!. Such forms can be found in things like the Bible!.

This comes out in things like definition of marriage, social mores, and what is considered illegal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means it is based off of Jewish/Christian "values and morals"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com