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Position:Home>History> WW2 was a wa between ideologies of communists and capitalists winning over facis

Question: WW2 was a wa between ideologies of communists and capitalists winning over facists and nationalist!.!?
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FYI, Britain, France and USA are capitalists in this scenario, russia would be communist, Germany - nationlist, and Italy = fascist!. Something else to consider and add in is Japan - Imperialist (although that is not mentioned in your question)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Those are incidental elements of wars!. They are mainly cultural attitudes of particular sides!. They aren't fighting for those, per se!. As in almost all wars, they are fighting for land!. When land, or its resources, becomes too limited for present or future population, people align by cultural or ethnic connections to secure more!. It doesn't particularly matter whether it's Hindu's against Muslims, Protestants against Catholics, Greeks against Persians, Romans against Carthaginians, or Israelis against Palestinians!. They are all fighting for land and/or the resources on it!.

Others align by necessity for defense against them!. That necessity "makes strange bedfellows!." So were the case of capitalist western and communist eastern European nations aligned in WWII!.

Focusing on the ideologies of combatants is the great error people constantly make!. The great issue is the pressure for land and its resources!. The greatest cause of that pressure has always been overpopulation!. Until that alone is addressed, without the trivial political distractions, no lasting resolution to wars will ever be found!.

In the particular case of WWII, Germany, Italy and Japan needed to expand!. Germany and Japan decided to go for all they could get!. Both bit off more than they could hold!.

I understand Germany and Russia divided Poland and that brought in England!. France was next and England was knocked out with it!. If Hitler hadn't been greedy and attacked Russia, who knows how the war would have ended!. Europe may be looking different today!.

Ideologies there were coincidental, except for the fascist alignment at the beginning of the drive!. The Soviet Union was a nemesis of the west before the war and was again after!. I always suspected Czechoslovakia was given to Hitler so he would align against Russia but Stalin bought him off with half of Poland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com