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Position:Home>History> Did the Masons appear first during the crusades? if so how? and how did they get

Question: Did the Masons appear first during the crusades!? if so how!? and how did they get involved with the crusades!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the crusade they were known as the templars
this link may give you more detailsWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Freemasonry did not first appear during the Crusades!.

Further, there is no link between Freemasonry and the historical Knights Templar!. The link provided by Arthur B is fiction and contains very little, if any, historical fact (look at the pyramid he shows as an example of the fantasy contained with the text)!.

To Provost --- actually its mainly the anti-masons and conspiracy theorists who insist on surrounding us with mystery; we try not to do that :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Masons insist on surrounding themselves with lots of mysteries!. We don't know for sure, but some date the origin of the Masons back to the days of Solomon's temple (about 2000 years before the crusades)Www@QuestionHome@Com