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Position:Home>History> Why would it have been hard for Abigail Adams to pursue her own political career

Question: Why would it have been hard for Abigail Adams to pursue her own political career!?
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It was not natural in that day and age for a woman to pursue a political career!. On top of that, Abigail would have been competing with her husband and that would have weakened him!. You didn't do that!.

The major reason Abigail didn't consider it, though, was she was too busy raising the children and running the farm!. She spent very little time with John while he was president or ambassador to France!. If she hadn't been so capable on the homefront, John Adams would not have had the time to get so involved in politics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because she was just someone's wife!. she was not a founding father, she was not a brilliant debator, she was just married to a guy who WAS those things!. women used to be smart enough to realize that the white house pastry chef has been in the white house for 30 years, but it does not qualify him to be presidentWww@QuestionHome@Com