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Position:Home>History> How did Alexander Hamilton help strengthen the new nation?

Question: How did Alexander Hamilton help strengthen the new nation!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alexander Hamilton engineered the finanial underpinings of the American Republic establishing a method whereby the individual states surrendered authority to the new Federal Government allowing the new government to assume a National Debt, and appeasing Southerners by agreeing that the new national Capitiol would be built in a swamp on the Potomac (one of the earliest great land swindles)!. Morever Hamilton was one of the first to loudly procliam that the Articles of Confederation were not working, and in coordination with his pal James Madison he helped create a new constitution giving birth to a Federal Republic!. Fearful of 'mob rule,' Hamilton argued for and was able to persuade others that a Federal Republic was better than an unfettered Democracy (Hillary would have loved Hamilton!)!.!.!.!. Hamilton was unique among the founding fathers!. Born in the West Indies he had no strong ties to any one State/Colony and thus could rise above the regionalism that hampered others!. That said, Hamilton was a Cosmopolitan New York with a truly forward thinking World view!.
As America's first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton established many of the ground rules foir the office and also argued for the need for a National Bank as a means of regulating credit and ensuring the nation's monetary supply!.
Had Hamilton not allowed himself to get wrangled up in a duel, he may have become an American President!.
