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Question: Is history still written by the winners!?
They used to say that history was written by the winners, but is that still true in this day and age, where the media is everywhere and blogs are commonplace!? And what rammifications do you think that will have!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To a large extent yes, but not always!.

With regards to ancient history its undoubtably yes!. For instance, the only accounts we have of the Punic Wars are from Roman or Greek authors!. There are no Carthaginian accounts to help us understand what happened!.

In modern times, in which the sources available to historians are far more numerous, you will find in turn, far more descriptions/stories of important events that have taken place!. For that very reason your likely to find an account which differs to the "accepted views"!.

For instance, i have just visited Tokyo!. Whilst there i visited the Yasukuni shrine, which is a war memorial dedicated to every Japanese soldier who has lost their life during war!. This shrine and its museum often receive widespread criticism from particlularly the Chinese and Koreans, but also from Western visitors!. This is because, the infamous war criminals who were found guilty at the conclusion of the Second World War and thereby hanged, are seen as martyrs who died for their country!. The museum portrays Japan as a peaceful nation, forced into war by the aggression of other nations!. It regrets to mention any of the atrocities the Japanese army undertook during the war!. Particularly things i found astounding were how the civilians who lost their lives on Iwa Jima are described as, heroes who gave their lives invaluably to the Empire, and the sailors lost on the Battle Cruiser Mutsu are honoured!. Its not mentioned how there were many survivors of the Mutsu, who in fact swam ashore when their ship exploded surprisingly whilst in harbour!. Those survivors who swam ashore were immediately executed by soldiers armed with samurai swords!.

I could easily understand, if people unaware of the real history of the war could believe in the museums nationalistic accounts!. But as a historians myself, i knew what i was witnessing, but at the same time thoroughly enjoyed the museum!.

But still, to a large extent History is still written by the winners!. This is natural, as the winners are unlikely to express to their populations they were the "baddies"!. Thankfully due to more freedom in recent times, journalists and historians in particular try their utmost to give a reliable account of what took place!. In the past, historians had far less freedom, and less access to "official accounts"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately not always!. The plight of the Native Americans was certainly not written by the "winners"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com