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Position:Home>History> What is the difference between the Bohemian Revoloution and the French Revolouti

Question: What is the difference between the Bohemian Revoloution and the French Revoloution!?
Just out of curiosity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The French Revolution was the revolt of the French People in 1789 against the unfair socio-economic conditions of the Ancien Régime and the abuses of Absolute Monarchy!. The French were also seeking a better and more just system of representative government!.

The Bohemian Revolution was an artistic and social movement better known as the "Belle époque", and occured mostly in France during the Second Republic!. It lasted from about 1890 to the beginning of WWI!. The Belle Epoque was characterized by new movements in art, literature, and culture!. This was the era of Impressionism, and the birth of Cubism and Modernism!. Cabaret music and theatre also became popular (the Moulin Rouge)!. In literature, Realism and Naturalism became popular, with émile Zola becoming the most famous author of the era!.

Hope this helps,