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Position:Home>History> Are there any survivors of the Holocaust?

Question: Are there any survivors of the Holocaust!?
i was wondering, i have to do this research project and i wanted to know if there are survivors that are STILL ALIVE from the Holocaust!. Is there a place on the internet that would give me an address of a person that lived through it and i could some how contact them!? Or even if there are websites that i could get a list of them, i'm doing it for a school project and every one wants to know about what happened, it would bee a great help!!Thanks!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am a Holocaust Survivor, thtis survived then as a teenager, and moderate the worldwide Yahoo! group which has now 193 members from all 5 continents!. It behooves you to join or visit because it has hundreds of testimonies by survivors posted as well as some are active members It is a thinking group and an active group !. For example, recently most apperarances by survivors who werereported in newspapers arounfd the world were posted!. The fiessections contains , for example, 30 individual testimonies by Survivors who lived in Canada, !.Remember_The_Holocaust@yahoogroups!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com