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Position:Home>History> Unfair Laws in the Revolutionary War?

Question: Unfair Laws in the Revolutionary War!?
what were some!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The worst for the individual family was where they were allowed to put British soldiers in any house they wanted!.!.!.and you were not only supposed to give them your beds and your daughters, but you were also supposed to feed them and do their laundry!.They changed that a little with the Quartering Act and then they could only put troops in "unoccupied" buildings!. But the abuse was that they'd kick you out of your house one day and then claim it for troops the next day!.

The Massachusetts Government Act restricted the right of people in Massachusetts to have a voice in their government!.

The Administration of Justice Act said that British soldiers who did something wrong were allowed to face trial in Britain, not where they did the thing wrong!. So the people he hurt never got to testify against him or know if he got punished for what he did to them!.

The Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townsend Act and Tea Act (of Boston Tea Party infamy) imposed unreasonable taxes on people and they didn't have the right to complain about them or do anything to stop them!.!.!.well, except for dumping a ship load of tea into Boston Harbor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com