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Question: King Arthur research project!?
Alright I have to do a research project on King Arthur and was wondering what would be some good topics to cover over him and where I can get some good info!. Thanks in advanced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could do the "did he really exist" angle, which there's a lot written on!. Geoffrey Ashe is one of the biggest names who's written on that, and "The Arthurian Encyclopedia" (which is available in most large libraries) has several essays!.

Whatever you decide, one of the best resources is THE CAMELOT PROJECT at Rochester University!. They've reproduced almost all the original legends online as well as essays on whether he existed or not!.


A FAQ thread on that might give you some ideas:

Here are some web sites you can look over to get information on King Arthur hopes this helps!.


Le Morte d'Arthur is must reading, of course!.
The others have good recommendations!.
If you really get into it, Cornwell's "Warlord Chronicals" series is good reading, and the appendages to the novels do a lot of your research for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Once and Future King!.
The Crystal Cave!.

A good topic would be the History of England at the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

talk about the knights of the round tablesWww@QuestionHome@Com