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Position:Home>History> The only war fought on American soil by Americans is known as the American . 10

Question: The only war fought on American soil by Americans is known as the American !. 10 points best answerer!!!?
The only war fought on American soil by Americans is known as the American ------

Revolutionary War

Civil War

Vietnam WarWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The correct answer is the civil war!. All the other wars were on American soil, but we did not own that land yet!. Revolutionary war was fought between us and the Brits and they owned the land!. The Vietnam war was in vietnam!. The Civil war was here and we already owned the landed by winning in the revolutionary war so we fought on AMERICAN soilWww@QuestionHome@Com

The "revolutionary" war (misnamed because it was a war of secession and not a revolution) was fought between mostly rival groups of Anglo-Americans!.With British regular troops also fighting for the Crown!.

Correctly the two sides are "the crown" and "the secessionists" the Idea it was American against British is childish and risible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to split hairs!.!.!. Technically the South was a different country so most of the War of Northern Aggression was actually fought in the Confederate States and not the United States!. With the exception of some of the western campaigns and the Gettysburg campaign!.!.!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The war of 1812 wasnt fought AGAINST other americans!. it was against the brittish again!. Same with the revolutionary war!. And for that matter the mexican-american war was fought on american soil!. Not to mention indian wars!.!.!. But i think the answer your looking for is the civil war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically the Revolutionary War was British subjects fighting the British!.
The Vietnam War was fought over seas
The American Civil War was the only war that was fought on American soil by Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Revolutionary war was colonists (ancesters of British) fighting british!. So i wont say thats only fought by Americans!.

Civil war is it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the question is flawed
war of 1812, revolutionary war and american civil war were all fought on american soil and americans were involved in all threeWww@QuestionHome@Com