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Question: Coliseum in Rome!?
Why dont they rebuild the coliseum in Rome!. Are there plans to rebuild it or even talks!? I think they should rebuild it like it was!. How glorious would that be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no it is a decaying mess, the mob rules Italy and there is no $$ for antiquities!.!.!.all of Italy is a graffiti covered ghetto with african peddlers all over the streets,,,,and the food!.!.!.yuk!.!.!.I ate better at my local pizeriaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not very glorious in my opinion!.
Think of the thousands of years that it has held up!.
It's a national and international historical structure of great importance!.
No, they would not rebuild it!.!.!.!.they WILL preserve it however, and have done so!.
But I do agree with you that it was be an incredible site to see something like it built!.
But what would they do with it!?
Rome already has sports arenas!.
Comfortable and safe environments!.
It's just not likely at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would be awful, horrible, and destructive to history!.

It would be miraculous to view - but one of the most amazing things about the Colosseum is that it still stands!. Rebuilding it would write over thousands of years of history!.

I would love to see it reconstructed somewhere else, from scratch!. But changing the actual building - destroying the best remaining example of the Roman world - would be a heinous crime to me and most historians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm all for them building a new one!.But the old one is a treasure as it is!.They would have to tear down the coliseum to rebuild it!.That would be a disaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com