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Position:Home>History> Juan Ponce de Leon????

Question: Juan Ponce de Leon!?!?!?!?
Help Help help!!!! i need info on Juan Ponce de leon for social studies!!!! i need to know the followng:

1!. Goal of voyage
2!.outcome of voyage

also web sites would help tooo

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ponce de Leon had accompanied Columbus on his journeys!. He heard a legend from the natives about a "Fountain of Youth", that if you drank the water from it, you would remain forever young!. They told him it was a land to the north!. Years later, he was governor of Puerto Rico, and having believed the stories, he sets out on a journey to find the Fountain of Youth!. He finds a beautiful land he called Los Floridas (not sure I spelled that right), meaning the land of flowers!. He didn't find the fountain, but the land he discovered is now the state of Florida!. It is a Spanish colony for over 300 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com