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Position:Home>History> Did England ever win any major wars in the Middle Ages?

Question: Did England ever win any major wars in the Middle Ages!?
Does anyone know if England has ever won a major war in the Middle Ages (Medieval Times)!?
also, was England the only country in Medieval Times to have knights!? If not, what other countries had knights!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
England did not win any "major" wars during this period!. The first significant conflict for England during this time was the Viking invasions!. England was eventually able to drive the Vikings out of Britannia, only to be invaded by the Normans!. The Normans proceeded to conquer the many kingdoms of Britain and form them into one United Kingdom!. This era was riddled with civil wars and almost all English fighting was done amongst themselves!.
On the case of knights, many other countries had orders of knights!. France, Spain, Prussia, Italy, and Austria, just to name a few, all had military orders of knights!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, firstly we would need to know what era you really are talking about, since the Middle ages could start anywhere between 476 AD (the fall of Rome) onwards to the 17th century!.

England fought in and won several "wars" in those periods of time, the Hundred Year War, the occupation of Scotland, Ireland and so fourth!.

As far as your question about Knights, in the second century AD Iran was the first country to use a mounted armored solider called a cataphract!. Most Feudal systems utilized this sort of solider in the Middle ages and one could call them knights in the general sense!. Many orders, affiliated with the Church also housed Knights independent of any king (the Templers, for example), or in other cases the knighthood ruled the country, such as Teutonic knights,whom ruled Prussia until 1525!.
Today several orders of knights actually still exist such as the UKs Knights Bachelor , however , the title is today honorary and includes such feared knights as Sir Elton John, Sir Sean Connery and Sir Anthony HopkinsWww@QuestionHome@Com

They won battles but lost the two hundred years wars against the French!.
Knights existed in most European countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com