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Position:Home>History> What is a good topic for a u.s. history paper?

Question: What is a good topic for a u!.s!. history paper!?
we basically have to base it off of a document!.!.

what do you recommend!?

u!.s!. historyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you need to base it off of a document, start w/ one of these:
1!. US Constitution
2!. Declaration of Independence
3!. Bill of Rights
4!. Monroe Doctrine
5!. Articles of Confederation
6!. Constitution of the Confederate States of America
7!. Emancipation Proclamation
8!. The Gettysburg Address
9!. The Mayflower Compact
10!. Truman Doctrine
11!. Common Sense
12!. Cherokee Nation v!. State of Georgia
13!. The Seneca Falls Declaration
14!. Dred Scott Case
15!. Plessy v!. Ferguson
16!. The Atlantic Charter (1941)
17!. Brown v!. Board of Education
18!. Wilson's 14 Points Speech
19!. MLK Jr!.'s I Have a Dream Speech
20!. The Pledge of Allegiance

Hope these help! If any sound interesting to you, all you have to do is google them and you should get alot of information!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Topics that revolve around themes such as:
-the start of Republicanism (Article of Confederacy - discuss the weakness and strength)
-foreign policies (Isolation vs imperialism)
-domestic policies ( New Deal, Great Society)
-expansionism (Such as Manifest Destiny)
-progressism (During the first two decades of 1920s)
-political ideologies (the interests and development of political parties)

*hope this helps*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe governmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

how the UNITED NATIONS was started, after ww2 very interestingWww@QuestionHome@Com