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Question: Holocaust and Other Genocides!?
I have a paper i have to write and its about the recent genocides and their comparison to the holocause!. i need to have references such as quotes from the book maus I and other places of info!. So if your nice enough to put what you know and/or website of quotes from the book, survivors ect!. THX!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you are very lucky many sources are on a a group which is worldwide with members from all 5 continents and very active!. I survived the Holocaust!. Go to Remember_The-Holocaust Yahoo! group!. The following is its description:

What can we, as humans,possibly do for the victims of the Holocaust!?

We can remember by promoting tolerance and human rights!. The group's primary purpose is educational,totally informative , even instructive Learn about the history of the Holocaust!. Ask any questions you may have, participate , and often messages related to the Holocaust will be posted Posted material is for educational purpose for the only private use of the members!. In addition, the moderator proposes a site of the week!. You are encouraged to visit our comprehensive list of links which feature various facets of The Holocaust, Genocide Watch, Human Rights and Tolerance education!. All members of Yahoo groups are expected to abide by Yahoo 's "Terms of Service !. We are a collegial thinking group!. The moderator survived The Holocaust as a teenager!. (The group's membership is global from all 5 continents and encompasses varied backgrounds ,religions, etc!., and ranging from students to esteemed scholars!.)

The picture taken in 1937 is of the moderator then at age 4 1 / 2 years old with his foster parents , a childless aunt and uncle,who had reared him from a year old until the age of almost six years old!. In 1938, he was whisked away from Wehen/Wiesbaden, Germany to Verviers, Belgium, where his parents moved in 1933!. His aunt and uncle became Holocaust victims!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely NO comparison between Hitlers Genocide and the Religious wars in Africa today!. Nor the Debacle of the Lewinsky Affair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com