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Position:Home>History> How will McCain explain his involvement in the keating five scandal?

Question: How will McCain explain his involvement in the keating five scandal!?
five senators met with federal savings and loan regulators at the request of Charles Keating, who controlled Lincoln Savings and Loan!. They became known as the "Keating Five"—Alan Cranston, D-Calif!., Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz!., John Glenn, D-Ohio, John McCain, R-Ariz!., and Donald Riegle, D-Mich!. The Keating Five meeting was the event that transformed the S&L debacle from a story buried in the business section to one of the worst financial and political scandals in U!.S!. history (though the current financial crises have proven even worse)!.

The Keating Five, including McCain, were perfectly situated to take action to protect their constituents!. They could have held oversight hearings!. They could have warned the widows!. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," an anonymous commenter one said (in a statement generally, but inaccurately, attributed to Edmund Burke)!. These men did nothing!.

Lincoln was (and remains) the most expensive S&L failureWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I, John McBush have the answer to you question!.!.unfortunately i forget!.!.i am sooo old!.!.!.oops just pooped my pants againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try the politics section for this, not the History one!.
You're asking a question about the future, not the past!. Wrong area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com