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Question: Past Lifes!?
Since I was a very young child I have known that in a past life I was in a concentration camp somewhere in Germany!. I know that back then my family was executed because my mother refused to have an affair with a German man and he raped her to which my father retaliated resulting in his death and hers!. I later died of either ill-nutrition or something like that!. I have talked to my family about this and they think that I am absolutely crazy but I know that it happened because I dream about it almost two or three times a month!. In the dream I see a tattoo on my mothers left arm with the numbers 84705!. Is there any way that I could search for a history of this number!? Has anyone ever had an experience similar to this one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll not address the whole [past lives thing!.
The numbered tattoos that have today become an identifying mark of Holocaust survivors originated in Auschwitz!. Auschwitz-Birkenau was the only camp that tattooed their prisoners!. The tattoos were a combination of an identifying letter, or pair of letters, and a series of numbers!. Originally, they were placed on the left breast, but after 1941 they placed them on the inside of the left arm!. It was not only Jews who were marked: all prisoners other than ethnic Germans and police prisoners were tattooed!.
The records of the tattoos were destroyed by the Germans before the camps were emancipated!. As far as I have researched, there is no database you can search for them on!.

***edit!.!.!.after further search I find that there is, indeed, some catalgueing of the numbers, but it is not available either on the net, or to the public!.

You've having dreams!. Past lives don't exist!. There may be a way to look up the number; the Germans kept good records!. Google the Simon Wiesenthal Center or the Shoah Project!. If you do happen to find out that this number is legitimate, it proves nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, this really isn't history!. This maybe should go in something like "Dream Interpretation!."
I don't know if anyone ever found the records of who was assigned what number!. The Germans destroyed a lot of those records!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

theres is no real way of finding out the numbers had letters to but you could try a surive search web siteWww@QuestionHome@Com

Strange!.!. i think most Jews have these dreamsWww@QuestionHome@Com

(I am a Christian, but just the thought of mans inhumanity to man!.!.!.and specifically to the Jews, homosexuals, mentally/physically handicapped, Catholics, etc!.!.!.!.brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it!.!.!.) The fools who participated then, just as the HATE groups continue to do today, fail to realize that all of these human beings were/are their own brothers, sisters, families, friends!.!.!.and, though they will deny it!.!.!.none of the victims would have done anything to them!.!.!.especially so heinous!.!.!. Unfortunately, I suppose the best thing we can be grateful for is that HATE is self consuming (destroys the hater!.!.!.many times over the hated)!.!.!.and, that this is another wonderful gift of God!.!.!.we truly are under His protection!.!.!.always!.!.!.
That you acknowledge 'something' is wonderful!.!.!.many people just 'blow it off'!.!.!. The numbers may mean a whole lot of different things, not specifically a particular person who was in the holocaust!.!.!. The Jews, in ancient times, gave each number, set of numbers, order of numbers, etc!.!.!.!.a set of values!.!.!.to say that the numbers may have a 'hidden' meaning from 'ancient' times, or whether the numbers may hold more value to you specifically is somthing only you and your 'knowledge' will tell!.!.!. While there is much to be learned in the areas of the supernatural, the metaphysical!.!.!.and, even the occult!.!.!.I will warn you that delving into those areas without proper knowledge and authority can be EXTREMELY dangerous!.!.!.(that is one of the BIG reasons I'm not a Harry Potter fan!.!.!.the stories are most enticing to the very people to whom they may be most dangerous!.!.!.and who are ill prepared to cope with their own 'discoveries'!.!.!.surely eveyone must recognize that the existence of GOOD is proof enough that evil DOES EXIST!.!.!.and, is not to be taken lightly!.!.!.) There are people 'out there' who can assist you, however the 'field' is littered with charlatans!.!.!.BE CAREFUL!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com