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Position:Home>History> Questions about the cuban missile crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question: Questions about the cuban missile crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Why was the cuban missile crisis of 1962 the most serious example of an exercise of power to the brink of war!?

What happened!?

why did it happen!?

what were the consequences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Long story short, the US and the USSR were inches away from unleashing total nuclear war!.

The USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba and the US discovered them by spy plane overflights!. Cuba was then blockaded by the US navy until an agreement was reached - the USSR would dismantle and remove the missiles in Cuba and the US would remove missiles from (I think) Turkey!.

It happened because the USSR was sort of backed into a corner with US and NATO missiles ringing their country and they wanted even the table by having their own missiles on the US' doorstep!.

One of the consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis was a direct hotline between the two countries was set up between Washington and Moscow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol!. FreedomHall explained everything, couldn't have said better!. Yep!. Thats the point!. A Soviet missile base from Cuban would be in easy range of the United States from anywhere in a matter of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com