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Question: Help with Thesis!?
By looking at the role of women in modern society, the economy before and afeter the war and________, it is apparent that WWII greatly influenced American culture!. What can I put in the blank so I can prove in my paper that American society was greatly influenced by WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the huge impact of the Baby Boom Generation


After World War II practically the only country in the world unscathed by war was the US!. Most other industrialized countries had their factories and farms bombed out, so the US took the lead in worldwide production of cars, food, arms, domestic goods---just about everything!. Because the US were so freed from want, the [population exploded!. Boomers had a childhood of luxury in a vastly expanding economy!. I think the economy was the main change!.

But I can't agree at all that WWII directly caused Women's Lib later!. In the 1950's women were mostly trapped into being homemakers whether they wanted it or not, and all the women who had worked in the factories during the war were pressured to give up their jobs so a returning vet could have it!. But when Germaine Greer and other feminist authors got published, the movement was on!.

Maybe think about the US becoming a world power as your third proposition!? That for sure happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i dont know what to put in the blank but i think you should mention how it was WWII which got america out of the depression and not FDRWww@QuestionHome@Com