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Position:Home>History> Jews??Nazi??

Question: Jews!?!?Nazi!?!?
describe the treatment of the jews and other inmates of the Nazi concentration camps!.!?!?!? help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jews were segregated from their families, forced to strip other Jews of their belongings, forced to dispose of the bodies of other Jews, and eventually killed themselves!.

A systematic approach to making the powerless do the work for the powerful, which could never have been accomplished without this manpower!.

The most horrific crime against humanity for its scope, it's duration, and its sheer numbers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

honey, you really need to do your own reading on this one!. You can't begin to absorb the scope of the evil involved until you quietly read and look at the pictures and pray it is all behind us!.

And, if your schooling hasn't covered this before, I hope you are a fifth grader or so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

even worse then what the Americans are doing to Islamists in their concentration camps in Cuba, Egypt, Jordan and IraqWww@QuestionHome@Com