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Position:Home>History> Were the Ptolemies really feeble?

Question: Were the Ptolemies really feeble!?
Or wear they stronger than we actually show in history, they managed to keep most their land!. they lasted longer than most all other hellenistic kingdoms!. was it just treachury and corruption that brought their end rather than the lack of skill!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They were pretty good in their day! As mentioned above, they did as well or better than the other Diadochi (successors) Who even remebers the Seleucids these days!?
They won at Ipsus, didn't they!?

The focus of most history courses turns further westward after Alexander, focusing on the rise of Carthage and Rome!. Certainly from 332 - 202 this was still the centre of the civilised world, it was "where it was happening", but its more of a perception thing!.

I personally think they may have had the same problem as the Spanish Hapsburgs, politely known as endogamy (AKA incest)!. When Ptolomy the Macedonian general first took over, he also adopted the many of the practices and customs of the Egyptian royal line!. I'm not sure if HE married his sister, but the practice was certainly reintroduced within a few generations to bolster public support among the locals!. It is not a good thing for close relatives to have children, sooner or later the offspring are adversely affected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first three Ptolemies were strong rulers!. It was with Ptolemy IV (c!. 221-200) that the rot set in!. But ruin can take a long time, and the total length of the Ptolemaic period was as long as separates us from the 1720s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com