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Position:Home>History> Why did many knights hesistate on going on St. Louis IX's second and last Cr

Question: Why did many knights hesistate on going on St!. Louis IX's second and last Crusade!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was no longer any seriousness in crusading to European royalty, except among religious men!. They looked upon a crusade as a political instrument, to be used only when it served their own interests and would no longer finance them!. With this view in the royalty, the nobles were even less interested!. Jerusalem had, by the time, been taken and fallen back to the "infidels" many times!. It was no longer such a pressing concern!.
The weakening of the political influence of the popes, and the indifference of princes to what did not directly affect their territorial interests, also had a negative effect on the crusade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com